The Full Story
It all started with Charlie and his brother. Charlie was born 21 months after his brother, creating a close brotherly bond that they both cherished. Things they enjoyed most were playing with their transformers, pretending to be transformers, digging for dinosaur bones, playing hide-and-seek, and swimming together.
One morning when Charlie was all but 23 months old, he passed away in his sleep. While the founders didn't know it at the time, Charlie had contracted a virus that compromised his body and left him with no symptoms until it became fatal.
Terrified to begin this journey, they were showered with love and compassion in the form of gifts, clothes, books, and experiences. Even their unborn daughter (due two months after Charlie passed) was showered with gifts. This generosity made their pain more manageable and they were able to see love in the midst of their loss.
This organization is born out of all the generosity they received. Now they want to give back to those who are also changed by this type of tragedy.
Behind the Name
Charlie loved superheroes. His favorites were the Transformers: Robots in Disguise, but he couldn't pronounce the name. Instead, he abbreviated them to "The Guys" (as in Disguise). We are Charlie's Guys, and together, we are all superheroes in disguise.
The logo is also designed with a purpose: the blue represents Charlie's favorite color and the color of his eyes. The stars signify him watching over us, and there are 23 of them to represent the 23 months he had on earth.